Homework & Teamwork
On last Sunday, we were assigned homework about online learning program. Due to the enormous resources, we have to divide the topics to read and answer the questions. FINALLY, we could finish it IN TIME.We work on these following topics:
- Web-Based Instruction/ Learning (WBT-WBL)
- E-Learning/m-Learning/u-Learning
-Online learning-Blended Learning
1.Web-Based Instruction/ Learning (WBI-WBL)
- WBI is anyway, anytime,anyone instruction delivered over Internet to browser-equipped learner. Instructions can be a combination of hypermedia, streaming audio/video, thread discussion, chats, video conference, etc. The Benefits of media WBI or Web Base Instruction is to promote for learning more effectively, reduce a limit of the learners,generate interest of learning, reduce the cost of the learning activities, learners can also control their learning needs, etc.
- WBL is anyway, anytime,anyone online learning/ e-learning. Every medias such as discussion forums via email, video conferencing, and live lectures can be used through the web. It's allow learner to access a vast amount of information rapidly.
E-learning refers to the use of technology in learning , teaching and education by the use of electronic media and information and communication.It includes many types of media that deliver text, audio, images, animation, and streaming video, and includes technology applications and processes such as audio or video tape, satellite TV, CD-ROM, and computer-based learning, as well as local intranet/ and web-based learning.
E-learning can occur in or out of the classroom. It can be self-paced, asynchronous learning or may be instructor-led, synchronous learning. E-learning is suited to distance learning and flexible learning and web-based learning.
M-Learning or mobile learning is subset of e-learning focusing on learning with mobile devices. This style of learning includes handheld computers, MP3 players, notebooks, mobile phones and tablets.
U-Learning ( Ubiquitous Learning) refers to learning that occurs around us by virtue of the built environment to access learning independent. So, U-Learning can happen anywhere , anytime and anywhere access to learning tools . Not limited to access from desktop . It includes other tools, such as laptops, UMPC (Ultra Mobile PC) PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) or even cell types so that they are connected to a computer network .
3.Online learning-Blended Learning
Blended learning is a formal education with some element student can control over time, place and pace. It combines traditional classroom method which is face to face and online The instructors can teach through various interactive media such as CAI, IBT, WBT and VLE. It's not as simple as adding computers to the classroom because this style of learning requires the teachers and students involved. The teacher is no longer "knowledge distributor" but he/she will work as a facilitator who guide the learners toward the learning experience. On the other hand the student will be empowered to manage the class and give their opinions on the course content.The students will choose the course according to their individual needs so they can apply them to their daily lives. This non-traditional education require the learner's written skills to express their idea in virtual classroom , the collaboration among students and instructors, and the needed technology.